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Update some tweaks

Guido Gunther requested to merge tweaks into pureos/latest

Nothing serious, just better defaults:

* schema: Don't filter apps

  We assume the screen is large enough so that we don't need to filter for
  adaptive apps.

* schema: Don't fold out OSK with gnome-calculator

  (Only applied to phosh-osk-stub atm)

* schema: Specify zoom level for grid view

  The current value for icon view isn't valid:
    Override for key “default-zoom-level” in schema “org.gnome.nautilus.icon-view” in override file “/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/11_librem11.gschema.override” is not in the list of valid choices; ignoring override for this key.

Closes: #31 (closed)

Edited by Jonathon Hall

Merge request reports