Revisit pureos patches
This is also a larger chunk way easier done on a bootstrapped image so removing form landing for the moment.
Due to an influx of spam, we have had to impose restrictions on new accounts. Please see this page for instructions on how to get full permissions. Sorry for the inconvenience. migrated to a new server, see new ssh key fingerprint.
This is also a larger chunk way easier done on a bootstrapped image so removing form landing for the moment.
added crimson label
changed milestone to %PureOS Crimson GR: General release, replace byzantium in shipping
added PureOS Crimson GR label
mentioned in issue #8 (closed)
Bringing back the "make adaptive" patches from Byzantium should make the dialog fit on the screen again at the default 200% scale. If it does not, reopen #8 (closed) and include it in the general release milestone.
marked this issue as related to #8 (closed)