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WIP: Updating gnome-initial-setup to 3.38.4

Marking also this MR as WIP as planned target branch is pureos/latest!

This MR is build on top of the latest addition from @sebastian.krzyszkowiak and includes also a version bump to 3.38.4 which is the current version in Debian stable. There is also MR #2 for gnome-desktop that is incorporating with the previous MR #2 (closed) from Sebastian. so both MRs are somehow glued together.

I've taken the freedom to uniform the patch names (or better the subject lines of the patches) a bit so the file names of the patches generated by gbp are bit more straight forward to see what the patch is about.

Merging in the latest Debian stable version hasn't produced any merge conflict that were difficult to solve.

@sebastian.krzyszkowiak @guido.gunther @jeremiah.foster @matthias.klumpp

Merge request reports