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Commit 9e6d4489 authored by Guido Gunther's avatar Guido Gunther :zzz:
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Document changes and release 0.1.6

parent 07f333c5
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Tags v0.1.6
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phosh (0.1.6) amber; urgency=medium
[ Julian Sparber ]
* Lockscreen: replace HdyDialer with HdyKeypad.
The new Keypad uses a GtkEntry to store the entered pin/password.
* Lockscreen: use GcrSecureEntryBuffer for the pin entry.
* BatteryInfo: drop private data for gobject.
Since the BatteryInfo is a final it can't be subclassed, therefore it
doesn't need private data.
[ Guido Günther ]
* background: Plug leak
* home: Plug leak
* topevel: Avoid NULL check
* toplevel: Don't leak app_id and title
* toplevel: Guard handle from being destroyed multiple times
* wwaninfo: Seperate access tec and signal srength (Closes: #118)
* top-panel: Adjust label margins.
Use the same margins as for other text in the top panel.
* top-panel: Use only right margins.
[ Darren R ]
* lockscreen: Use show_symbols False
-- Guido Günther <> Fri, 27 Dec 2019 23:05:07 +0100
phosh (0.1.5) amber; urgency=medium
[ Guido Günther ]
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