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We added a close button on multitasking cards in order to be able to remove the one from the headerbar, but this was always intended as an intermediate solution until we can have a swipe gesture to close apps. The behavior I had in mind was that cards would be swipeable only upwards (not downwards).
Could we use HdyPaginator for this?
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The behavior I had in mind was that cards would be swipeable only upwards (not downwards)
i think that was the idea basically from the start but we did not have HdyPaginator then. i wanted to do s.th. similar for system modal dialogs and @exalm said that would work so it should work here too.
if somebody wants so end a patch, that'd be great!
@tobias.bernard What about swiping down rather than up? I suspect it would be less tiring for the thumb and it would make sense spacialy as you would throw the app in the apps list.
If we could get a nice animation where the window scales down and "contracts" back into the app icon that could make sense, but if not I think it would be weird. Where would the cards go? behind the app drawer? above it?
But either way, as @exalm pointed out, this might clash with the open/close overview gesture. We could try it once we can do nicer animations, but in the short term I don't think we should do this.
just to be sure @tobias.bernard if swipe up closes the pp we require the user to start swiping in the lower third of the screen to bring up the app grid (going from 1st to 2nd picture here:#208)?